Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Ah, love! In Brazil we celebrate Valentine's Day on the 12th of June, but the rest of the world International Love Day is celebrated on February 14.

Valentine's DayIn the United States, is the famous Valetines Day or Saint Valentine's Day, which is devoted to a holy love. It is a commemorative day which celebrates the loving union between couples, although the United States has a broader sense, one can express a love that is not romantic, like friendship.

It is common on this day, stores let available a lot of cards for Valentines Day, where couples exchange declarations of love accompanied by gifts. But in some countries the celebrations are different, for example, in England, where children sing and earn candy and candy fruit of their parents. Curious, isn´t it?

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings we can have. How about take this time to express this feeling?

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